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Pearls of Wisdom

Don’t dig your dandelions. Consider leaving any dandelions alone this fall. We have a nice lawn, and only a few dandelions – we’ve been practicing Edible IPM (Integrated Pest Management) for years. We don’t spray or use anything on our lawn, which means we can eat the early spring dandelion leaves. They are delicious in salads, and also in soup. We’ve eaten so many that we hardly have any in the Spring, and I do miss them! Much cheaper and tastier than burying the large leaves in the grocery store.

Reading time: 1 min

Have you ever wondered how you can avoid spreading nasty infections from one of your plants to another while you are pruning them?

Well, wonder no longer!

Here’s how.

Simply wipe your shears off with a household disinfecting wipe. Alternatively, you can use a solution of 50% isopropyl alcohol and 50% water. Dip your tools in the water solution and allow them to air dry, or wipe them thoroughly.

That’s it! Simple, yet effective.

Reading time: 1 min