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Flower Show

Evergreen Country Gardeners enjoyed the CT Flower and Garden Show – Bursting into Spring – which took place February 22-25 but many of us were at the Convention Center from the 20th – 25th! The following eight members members participated in the show as entrants and or volunteers.

  • Donna Nowak (President) – Show Schedule Chair, Design Entry
  • Kathy Harris – Botanical Arts – Photography Division Chair
  • Suzy Fisher – Quality Control Chair
  • Trish Manfredi – Table Entry
  • Carole Fromer – Design Division – Judges Clerk
  • Valerie Escalera – Design Division – Quality Control
  • Jim Oliphant – Botanical Arts Division – Photography – Judges Clerk, Photography Entrant
  • Shirley Jackson – Hospitality

Reading time: 1 min